There are a few things i know in this world, and one of them is that "EVE is a Sandbox with land mines... SO DEAL WITH IT!" I am so incredibly tired of hearing about how CCP is ruining the game, because the truth is that they are not. The Facts are, EVE Players are some of the whiniest players around, and here is why...
In the beginning CCP said let there be light... and EVE was born, CCP had a good relationship with its few followers, as time went on EVEs player base increased, and more and more undesireable people started to play and interact in the foums, slowly chasing away the beloved Developer communication for which EVE was known. Now whenever CCP tries to take a stand and stop the BS that these "undesireables" cause, the "undesireables" whine and moan, and clog the forums with " im quitting" , and " screw you CCP" posts...
To those of you undesireables reading this, i say this. If CCP dosnt change the game in small ways, it becomes static and would wither and die, these changes that you so dearly dread save our game, they give us new life. Please stop complainging because you might actually have to do something and OMG think a little bit!?!?!?
Oh well, enough ranting, to all of you capsuleers reading this, Do you solumly swear to take this game, to love and to hold, and play like hell, for better or worse, till death do you part?
-Serious Sally
I do! =)
The whiners act like CCP has some kind of personal vendetta against them when "under-appreciated" changes are announced. In my opinion, this game is all about adapting and surviving...it seems perfectly natural that we are occasionally required to adopt new ideas or be challenged by new conditions--same as in real life. If that kind of thing wasn't imposed, people would get into ruts and the game would stagnate fairly quickly. Again--same as in real life. Change is energizing and interesting, change is good! So go ahead, rock that boat, CCP! It keeps things fun!
Nail, meet hammer.
Hammer, meet nail!
Whiners are a pain, and honestly the more that quit, the better.
Adapt or die....
I Do
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