Well, i must say.... everyone needs to call down. All I've been reading are posts and blogs about people complaining that CCP is out of touch with its player base. I must dis-agree, and here is why.
A. Faction War- 40,000 people signed up, and played it... now if CCP was out of touch, i seriously doubt 40,000 people would have thought it was cool and tried it out.
B. Game Development - CCP unlike a lot of developers, actually have shown that they care what their players think... CSM anyone...
C. 250,000 subscribers - Eve has 250,000ish subscribers. IF CPP was so out of tune with the player community then it would have no where near 250k.
All this talk about CCP being out of touch... its all BS. Its just the ramblings of old players that reminisce of the good old days, back when they actually could actually do -->Insert Whine Here <--
So enough of this bickering, and whining. Seriously, if what they are changing or not changing for that matter, is really that big of a deal to you, then stop playing. But as long as you are playing, you are obviously enjoying yourself, cause if you weren't, you wouldn't be playing...
So stop worrying about the way it used to be, or the way it will be, and do what you came to EVE to do, PLAY THE GAME... let CCP deal with the semantics and the Nerfs, and what not. After all it is there job, and beleive it or not, its your job to PLAY, not DEVELOP.
That is all i have to say on the matter...
Serious Sally
Completely agree....
I do agree with you that all the changes they have put in place do show a dedication to their product, but correct me if I am wrong, there are more important items that need addressing, such as lag and customer service.
The lag in many instances makes the game unplayable. 1 on 1 fights on a fairly empty node should not have module activation times of 3 minutes. That's just insane.
Yes, there are 250,000 subscribers. If many of the issues that need addressing we taken care of, that number would be much larger.
@ Ga'len - I agree that issues like lag are major issues and they need to be fixed. But, it would be dumb to think that CCP isnt trying to fix the lag problem. Im sure they tweak things on a weekly basis atleast...
We don't hear anything about the work being done on the lag issues. There used to be a frequently updated dev blog, the dev chats on Thursday nights. There used to be a lot of communication from CCP and over the past year, it's just slipped away.
EVE was unique in that the open, free communication kept everyone engaged. That has stopped and that is where a lot of the feelings of "growing divide" seed from.
I am as sure as you that this is not the true case, but most people react to what is projected. With the decline in quality customer support and lack of active communication from the devs, the projection is that CCP no longer cares about it's customers.
This is very unfortunate as I know that's not the case.
one could also argue that the "free and open communication" between CCP and the players gave the players this false idea that they get to decide how te game is developed.... Whats going on is separation anxiety...
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